Starting a business? Get it right the first time.

Make sure you have everything covered.

There are legal considerations when starting a business, and it’s important to be working with a lawyer who’s familiar with what needs to be in place. Business establishment lawyers have the right experience in the legal requirements of establishing your business.

Ask any experienced business person and the main advice they have is to get the right structure in place from the outset. The right business structure will provide you with the best asset protection for your family assets, provide tax minimisation and ensure your business can adequately deal with unforeseen problems that may arise in the future.


The right advice and assistance

Duffy Lawyers can provide you with specialist advice and documentation to establish the most appropriate business structure (such as a company, discretionary trust or unit trust) given the nature of your business and personal circumstances.

Obligation free consultation

To find out more about our services,
please feel free to contact us for an obligation-free consultation to see what we can do for you.